Stop the Flavour Ban 2024 - How to Help

Stop the Flavour Ban!

Health Canada has advanced a proposed amendment to Tobacco and Vaping Products Act which will enstate a nation-wide ban on the sale of flavoured vape products that are not tobacco or mint/menthol. This will still include many tobacco and mint flavours as you know them now as well, as all sugars and sweeteners will be prohibited.

This legislation will have devestating effects on access to any vape products and will likely result in the closure of most if not all specialty e-cigarette retail locations. Additionally, it will greatly strengthen the market share from illicit sources of e-cigarette products, leading to an increase in use of unregulated products.

The only way to prevent this future is by telling our legislators how vaping has affected our lives by providing a less harmful substitute to cigarettes.

Contact the Legislators

Tell them how vaping has affected your life, and how access to a specialty vape store and flavoured vapes has affected your ability to substitute smoking or other habits with vaping.

Health Canada

Denis Choinière
Tobacco Products Regulatory Office
Tobacco Control Directorate
Controlled Substances and Cannabis Branch
Health Canada

Telephone: 613-859-5669

Member of Parliament for London-Fanshawe

Lindsay Mathyssen
Main office - London
1700 Dundas Street
Unit D
London, Ontario
N5W 3C9
Telephone: 519-685-4745
Fax: 519-685-1462

Find your local MP here


Educate and Advocate

Click here to see a list of resources dedicated to the facts about vaping

Follow the Save the Flavours Facebook Page

Share your Story with Save the Flavours in Canada

We want to hear from you! If you feel vaping has improved your life, please consider adding your voice before it is too late.
We want to collect your stories to tell everyone, including Health Canada, how vaping has helped you and why we need to keep this valuable harm reduction tactic available to all adult Canadains who do not want to smoke cigarettes.
We want to know your answer to the following questions:
  • 1. Did you smoke, and if so for how long?
    • a. If you smoked before, did you try other methods of quitting?
    • b. How do you feel today as versus when you smoked?
    • c. If vapes were not available would you still smoke today?
  • 2. What vape do you use right now and why do you like it?
  • 3. What would you do if you if flavoured vapes and legal vape stores were not available?
  • 4. How has vaping made a difference in your life?
We would like it if you could include your name and age, however you may omit it to remain anonymous.
By submitting this information, you agree to allow us to use it to help educate the public and our legislators about the realities of vaping. You can submit these questions by sending it to this account or emailing
Also please spread the word to other Canadians, the more of us that speak up the less they can ignore us.
Please also consider talking to your local MP and/or Health Canada and let them know why we need to maintain adult access to flavoured e-cigarette products.